Barnet Shenkin

Welcome all! by Barnet Shenkin prev/next

I would like to welcome all visitors to my site. The site is here for your enjoyment. Hopefully you can all find some interesting stories, bridge hands and intermediate players can find some tips to help them with their game. One of the world’s toughest tournaments just finished recently in Reno, the Vanderbilt Trophy. I actually was in a team that got to the final not so very long ago, but was vanquished like so many before and after by the Nickell squad.

This year, unexpectedly the trophy left USA to a totally European team. Perhaps it bodes well for Europe’s chances in the Ryder Cup. In the team Zimmerman, was a father and son partnership, Michel and Thomas Bessis. I am sure not many such partnerships have won the Vanderbilt and nobody from France, certainly in modern times. I was fortunate to commentate on a very entertaining final on BridgeBaseOnline. As I have two laptops I was able to watch both tables simultaneously. It was clear to all watching that the “man of the match” award would go to young Thomas Bessis. At 28 years old he played fearlessly and the risks he took paid off handsomely. I thought I could do no better than start my site with this story still almost “hot off the press”

I also take this opportunity to thank my web designer Martin Bozhilov (Attain Dreams) for his efforts with his ideas in making the site work and for writing and rewriting the material for the site.

Last to thank is my wonderful wife Maggie for putting up with the hundreds of items of paper lying around the living room to which I constantly refer.

Enjoy ,

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Comment posted by Claus and Raymond - on 4/18/2010 6:18 PM GMT (5385d 1h 39min ago)
Welcome to the web. Congratulations on the excellent work and great effort to construct a bridge-related website, which will be enjoyed by all visitors seeking information. All visiting bridge players will find considerable and useful information among the many offered features of your website.

Comment posted by Barbara Kay on 4/4/2010 10:10 PM GMT (5398d 21h 46min ago)
An excellent Bridge site and one which all bridge players and potential bridge players will enjoy and will find easy to understand - in particular it is very interesting to read about all the personalities and their experiences at the bridge table.

Comment posted by Todd Holes on 4/1/2010 6:46 PM GMT (5402d 1h 11min ago)
Glad to see your site up & running. Good luck!